You’re probably just emerging from that post-baby haze of sleepless nights and frequent feeding and are now a world expert on baby settling routines. So, why don’t you fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans yet, hey? Why isn’t your stomach as flat as an ironing board? Why aren’t you running a fecking triathlon? All the celebrity mums are…
Why didn't you start training and dieting two weeks' after your baby was born, like Jessica Alba did? Or work out four times a week to lose your weight super-fast, like Gwen Stefani? Oh, that's right. You have a baby to look after. And are minus a nanny to look after her while you're spending hours at the gym. Not to mention you have to do the housework, find some time for your husband and other children, and maybe (just maybe) spend half an hour sitting down before you fall down.
Or, why didn't the extra kilos just melt off, like they did for Angelina and Naomi Watts, from breastfeeding and running after the kids? Really, there are no excuses for why you're still carrying a muffin top.
I know this has been blogged about countless times before, but magazines persist with these features, and they piss me off EVERY SINGLE TIME! New mums are dealing with enough complex emotions without being confronted by magazines shouting “Best Star Bodies After Baby!” as if it’s some kind of competition who can slim down the fastest.
I know some women are lucky enough to have breastfeeding take care of their post-baby weight (I was with my first but with my second I'm firmly still in muffin top territory nine months' later) but they're in the minority. Can't we give ourselves, our bodies, and our babies a break and take some time to get back to "normal"?
Thank goodness for Salma Hayek, whose honesty I admire. She said "It takes you nine months to get it, and nine months to lose it. There are shortcuts, but it's not good for the baby." Amen, sister.
Do you think a man would feel pressure to slim down after giving birth? He'd be demanding 6 months in bed with a private nurse to recuperate!
I flicked through a magazine last week, one of my nieces had left it here when visiting. I was so appalled at how they attacked EVERY single celebrity photo that was in there. It made me sick. I remembered why I stopped buying magazines. How are we helping ourselves by reading and allowing this crap to be published?? Why can't celebrities have ugly days or hell, ugly years (I know 1997 was a particularly bad year for me! lol) - what hope do the rest of have? It makes me wonder just where the priorities for these women are when I see things like Heidi Klum on the catwalk a mere six weeks after giving birth. Did she even have a moment to bond with her baby before eating lettuce and running on the treadmill day in- day out?
That's why I get a sinking sickly feeling when I read magazines. I'm off for another handful of Maltesers.
What really gets my goat is when you read stories about what fantastic mothers they are. Case in point, Nicole Richie. If I have to read any more stories about what a fabulous 'hands-on' mother she is, how she makes her own baby-food (gasp!) and how she deserves a gold medal for it, I will seriously vomit right here all over my keyboard. Ahh hello. Talk to the rest of the population who have no choice but to be 'hands-on', and I'm sorry, but steaming and then pureeing a fistful of apple does not a medal-deserving mother make. The best part is next to the stories are all the photos of her latest forays out on the social scene, all sans child. Funny how she is only 'hands-on' when she feels like being, then there's always the nanny to take care of the rest.
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