If you've ever described Daniel Craig as 'sex on a stick' it turns out you weren't far wrong. The newest 007 now holds the dubious honour of having an icy pole created in his image.
According to website Click Liverpool, the manufacturer surveyed 1000 British woman, asking who they would most like to wrap their lips around. Craig topped the poll (beating Jude Law and Hugh Grant) and is now the first Bond to be available in blueberry, pomegranate and cranberry flavours.
If you could have your very own sex symbol in the freezer, who would it be?
robots games and cake
3 months ago
Simon Baker - he's still in my head from someone mentioning him the other day (apologies but I forget who)
George Clooney. Raawrr.
Hugh Jackman for me. How about yours Amanda?
Justin Timberlake. Guess that makes me a Coug. Although after just watching Australia, Jackman comes in a close second!
My icy pole of choice? Hmmm...I think I'll have to go with Barb - George Clooney's probably my fave...but you ladies all have excellent taste!
I used to be a big Brad Pitt fan (no explanation necessary); Matthew McConaughey (but ONLY in A Time To Kill - never since); my new crush is on Chris Pine (the new Kirk in the Star Trek movie, but I'm sure I'm old enough to be his mother); and I've also got a bit of a thing for Aussie Sam Worthington.
Kristin, I remember when Justin shed the big frosted curls of his NSync days and emerged as this new, slink dancing machine...I was slightly disturbed that I found him sexy. I've come to terms with that now...if he's good enough for Cameron and Jessica...
My husband clearly feels threatened by Daniel Craig. Every time he notices me watching him he says "you know he's really short, don't you...".
Without a doubt, Gerry Butler! And not to forget....Hugh Jackman. Yum.
I'm sorry, but I don't understand the attraction to Daniel Craig. What is it? He looks like he should be playing a European spy, not the iconic Mr Bond!
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