Life is busy, busy these days. I've started to take on a bit more work (one of my current projects is setting up a website for my business - nothing there yet, but soon will be!), have a few voluntary roles on the go, as well as the usual demands of motherhood. And I figure that when something I began for the sheer enjoyment (this blog) starts to feel like an obligation, it's time to ask why I'm doing, I'm taking a break.
I want to thank you, dear readers, for coming along on this ride and sharing your opinions along the way. I have absolutely loved sharing a little bit of myself with you and I honestly would have gone a little bit barmy over the last six months if not for you. And who knows? I could be back in a month...or a year...or maybe not at all.
Take care...and if you want to keep in touch, you can always find me on twitter (@bugmum) or drop me a line at